7.1. Get The Source FilesΒΆ

This tutorial is partially based on the Localization Guide from Mozilla's wiki and is focussed on the localization of Bugzilla 5.0. The command lines specified in this guide are supposed to work only on GNU/Linux Debian systems or its derivatives.

Obtain the source files from Bugzilla.org site. Uncompress the tarball with your favorite tool in an empty directory. You should have the following tree structure:


All subdirectories and files are not detailed here

|-- Bugzilla
|-- contrib
|-- docs
|    |-- en
|-- extensions
|    -- BmpConvert
|   |-- Example
|   |   |-- docs
|   |   |   `-- en
|   |   |-- lib
|   |   `-- template
|   |       `-- en
|   |-- MoreBugUrl
|   |   |-- lib
|   |   `-- template
|   |       `-- en
|   |-- OldBugMove
|   |   |-- lib
|   |   `-- template
|   |       `-- en
|   `-- Voting
|       |-- template
|       |   `-- en
|-- images
|-- js
|-- template
|   `-- en

All the localizable content are located in the highlighted directories, so you should only keep the following:

|-- docs
|    |-- en
|-- extensions
|   |-- Example
|   |   |-- docs
|   |   |   `-- en
|   |   `-- template
|   |       `-- en
|   |-- MoreBugUrl
|   |   `-- template
|   |       `-- en
|   |-- OldBugMove
|   |   `-- template
|   |       `-- en
|   `-- Voting
|       |-- template
|       |   `-- en
|-- template
|   `-- en

Now, rename all the en subdirectories with your locale code. You can pick the locale code matching your language in this wiki page.

For instance, you can use fr for French or ca for Catalan. You can also use a four-letter locale code: pt-BR for Brazilian Portuguese or zh-CN for Chinese (Simplified).

This documentation undoubtedly has bugs; if you find some, please file them here.

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7. Localization Guide

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7.2. Files To Be Localized